You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!


Posted on : 05:07 | By : Tamarisk

Today seems like the perfect time for a post with some hints and tips in it! I'm referring of course to the furore surrounding the accusations of bullying at No.10, so I thought I'd share some wisdom on how to deal with a work place bully -

  • The first step is to realise that what is going on IS bullying...not that you're dropping the ball, doing a bad job or that you deserve to spoken to/treated this way.
  • Once you've realised that you are being bullied (and please remember that it can be subtle sometimes), keep a diary of the incidents of the bullying behaviour...obviously recording the date and time is key. Also, if you're being bullied in any written correspondence, keep copies.
  • If possible, summon up the courage to approach the bully. Stay calm and professional, present what you feel the bullying behaviour is and ask them to stop. Be ready for the bully to take an aggressive approach to your request, be ready also for them to stop the behaviour for a little while only for it to return at a later date.
  • Approach your Human Resources department with the facts, this is where your diary will come in very handy. Ask them what steps they will take and how they will keep you informed about how your complaint is being handled.
  • Remember that behind the bully is still a person with feelings - however hard that may be. Sinking to their level is not the way to go, and there is very likely to be a reason why this person has to result to such degrading behaviour to get by in life.
  • Finally, it is worth considering finding another job if the behaviour doesn't improve. That is not a sign of weakness or that you've failed, rather it's a significant step is publicly stating that your mental health and peace of mind is more important to you than working in a toxic environment, it demonstrates a healthy respect for your self-esteem and your self-respect.
If you are dealing with a work place bully, counselling can also help. You can get in touch with me here

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