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Posted on : 09:23 | By : Tamarisk

The question I get asked by my friends and acquaintances ALL THE TIME is this - I'm thinking about starting counselling but I have no idea what to expect, would it be alright if we had a chat about it?

I always say yes. I've done the same to friends who have some type of specialist knowledge which I know nothing about and I've always been grateful that they bothered. I've also helped friends chat about counselling and it really helps to lessen the anxiety about it all.

So, I thought I'd open this out to people I don't know. Searching the internet will only get you so far, sometimes it's really helpful to actually talk to I'm making myself available to everyone, if anyone out there wants to have a free conversation about counselling, therapy, what the difference is between the two, what's this CBT I've read about, how much, how long etc, etc, etc.

Email me here to arrange a time to chat.

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