Guilt. Like sitting in a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.
Actually, I've altered that quote from the original which is "anxiety is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere" and it's from a very silly movie called Van Wilder: Party Liaison. In fact I agree with both, and I am clearly over-simplifying the issue but for me guilt is such a wasted emotion.
For starters, guilt often isn't a surprise emotion that sneaks up on you, I've found you usually have some awareness of the things that make you feel guilty. Which begs the question...why are you still doing/not doing whatever it is that makes you feel guilty?
Feeling guilty about something is often preceeded by one these two words - should or ought. "I should tidy up", "I ought to call my mum" followed by "but I can't be bothered" which leads to "now I feel guilty".
Should and ought (let's call them ought-isms) imply you don't have choice in the matter, when of course, you always have a choice. So don't tidy up and don't call your mum but make a firm choice in the matter and get rid of that guilty feeling.
That's not to say that you have free reign to neglect your responsibilities to others...flatmates/boyfriends/girlfriends/partners get annoyed if you don't tidy up and mum's like to hear from their kids, so acknowledge you need to do those things and make a promise to do them when it suits you better. How about this statement - "I need to call my mum, but right now I'm tired and grumpy and I know I'll end up bickering with her. I will call her tomorrow after a good night's sleep".
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