I got through the first "week" of In Treatment last night...great show, it gives as real an insight in what being in therapy is like as I've seen on the big or small screen ever. I must say, I don't currently work with couples and the session where the therapist is working with a couple who can't decide whether or not to keep their baby put me off ever wanting to! Claustrophobic is a word that sprang to mind when I cringed my way through that episode.
And speaking of couples counselling, I spotted this in the weekend papers...The whole IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) programme jars somewhat with me. A one-size fits all approach ie: CBT for everyone doesn't sit well with me and I'm also astonished at the amount of money going into this in terms of training when there are loads of underused therapists out there with sufficient and necessary training already...why not just recruit them???
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