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Short I read this at the weekend. Seriously...has the world gone mad? Angels can assist with everything from getting a date, losing weight and even finding a parking spot. I'm slack jawed in horror. Aside from the fact the existence of angels is (currently, at least...let's remain skeptical about these things) impossible to prove with any degree of reliability, what is dangerous about believing in ideas like this is that it encourages you to stop taking responsibility for your life.
Your life is your responsibility. You have to choose. Always. All the time. You can never give up the responsibility of choice. Even if you decide not to choose, that's still a choice. So abdicating responsibility to angels (angels...angels that find you parking spaces!!!) is selling out. Yes, life is precarious, absurd and difficult and sometimes we feel out of control with regards to what's going on around us. Well guess what, some things are out of your control (like PARKING SPACES!) but you're always in control of your response to the situation, it's always your responsibility to choose. Putting faith in something outside of yourself and relying on that for guidance isn't about really living. To really live you have to accept that your life is your responsibility and it's up to you.
Engage with life, live it with urgency, don't retreat from it and leave it up to the angels. It's a cop out.