Feeling stressed out work? Well we all do sometimes, don't we. The key to any stress management programme or techniques is the belief that alternatives are possible. (If you're following me on Twitter you might have notice a related post...! @twochairslondon if you aren't following me yet). The feeling of being trapped and without choices can be the greatest stressor of all.
There are two ways to manage stress in the work place; reduce the environmental aspects that are causing the stress and/or change how you respond to the things that are stressful for you. Remember, even when you can't change the situation, you're always in control of how you choose to respond.
So here are some tips:
- Be appropiately assertive and don't feel guilty about setting boundaries and limits. Learn the power of saying no when necessary.
- Recognise that stressful situations can often arise from someone else's inefficiency. Are they responding by being reactive rather pro-active? You have a choice here not to carried by their sense of panic.
- Stuff outside the office might be affecting what's happening in the office - a colleague might have broken up with a boyfriend, your boss might not be getting much sleep if his wife has just had a baby...recognise that you did not cause the problem and that you're not responsible for their consequences.
- Practice relaxation skills - meditating really is all its cracked up to be. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress. And yes, alcohol and drugs are more likely to make things worse.
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